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Your search for “"Uncategorized"” gave approximately 2 results:

News: News - Australian woman swallowed by sinkhole while hanging up laundry - The Weather Network

Thursday, November 27, 2014, 4:12 PM -   An Australian woman had to be rescued by firefighters after she was swallowed by a sinkhole while hanging up laundry in her backyard Tuesday.

Christina Beaumont, 52, had to tread water for twenty minutes when the three-metre hole opened up under her feet, submerged her in water.

A neighbour heard her cries for help and contacted firefighters who rescued her with ropes.

Australian woman swallowed by sinkhole while hanging up laundry

News: Activist Post: Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children

Awareness continues to increase surrounding the pervasive dangers of Electromagnetic Fields (EMFs). Our modern world is becoming an electromagnetic soup filled with pulses, radio frequencies, <span id="IL_AD2" class="IL_AD">computer screens</span>, wireless signals, as well as personal devices such as cell phones and gadgets that are emitting <a href="" target="_blank">damaging radiation</a>.

Activist Post: Electromagnetic Radiation, Health and Children

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