
ThoughtCo. said:

"Bandwagon is a fallacy based on the assumption that the opinion of the majority is always valid: that is, everyone believes it, so you should too. It is also called an appeal to popularity, the authority of the many, and argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people"). Argumentum ad populum proves only that a belief is popular, not that it's true. The fallacy occurs, says Alex Michalos in Principles of Logic, when the appeal is offered in place of a convincing argument for the view in question." What Is the Bandwagon Fallacy?

Expand: Ad populum aka Bandwagon Fallacy (5:45) Ad populum aka Bandwagon Fallacy (5:45)

Expand: Ad Populum (Fallacy of the Week) (5:45) Ad Populum (Fallacy of the Week) (5:45)