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Your search for “"sars-cov-2"” gave approximately 43 results:
News: The US's COVID-19 Death Rate Is Far Below the Rates in Italy and Spain
We frequently encounter a problem similar to this with COVID-19 reporting. News stories frequently focus on COVID-19 cases rather than death rates in their reporting. Consider this Reuters headline today: "United States could become coronavirus epicenter: WHO"
The casual readers who skims headlines is likely to take away from this the idea that the United States is following the same trajectory as countries like Spain and Italy when it comes to the COVID-19 outbreak. We have heard that death rates in Italy are alarming in much of Western Europe, and some have claimed the US will soon experience the same fate as Italy. While it is true the United States will soon pass up Italy in terms of total cases, the US is far, far below Italy in terms of its COVID-19 death rate, even if we account for the differences in the timeline.
News: Why Bailout Money is a Bad Thing
What humanity needs to do, but hasn't as of yet, is learn to strike a balance between these two axioms. If done right, we can get pretty close to having our collective cake and eating it too, complete with money hidden in it like days of old. While working hard to ensure the development of a set of products and services that allow those (this would include charitable organizations as well for example) who wish to embark upon the nurturing of those not able to do so for themselves while not forcing others to if they so choose, we must also stop being responsible for the failure and/or lack of foresight of others. Doing this turns entire societies into dependants on some thing or individual, often government which is just the way that crowd loves things, while in turn forfeiting liberty. This dependency also makes us 'soft', that is, ill-equipped to deal with our personal problems, societal problems and environment, all of which can be changing and hostile at any time.
News: The Propaganda of Terror and Fear: A Lesson from Recent History
The deep-rooted fear of contagious disease, hardwired into the collective consciousness by historical events such as the ‘Black/Bubonic Plague’ and maintained through popular culture (e.g. the Hollywood movies Outbreak and Contagion), means that people are without question highly susceptible to accepting extreme emergency measures whether or not such measures are rational or justified. The New York Times called for America to be put on a war footing in order to deal with Corona whilst former Army General Stanley McChrystal has been invoking his 9/11 experience in order to prescribe lessons for today’s leaders.
At the same time, political actors are fully aware that these conditions of fear and panic provide a critical opportunity that can be exploited in order to pursue political, economic and societal objectives. It is very likely, however, that the dangers posed by the potential exploitation of Corona for broader political, economic and societal objectives latter far outweigh the immediate threat to life and health from the virus. A lesson from recent history is instructive here.
News: There’s powerful evidence this Great Panic is foolish, yet our freedom is still broken and our economy crippled
As I watched the Prime Minister order mass house arrest on Monday night, I felt revulsion, anger and grief – as anyone brought up when this was a free and well-governed country would. I also felt terribly alone.
You could not have known, from anything broadcast that night or printed the following day, that anyone was unhappy with these events. But they were.
So, above all things this week, I would like to thank all the kind, perplexed people who have got in touch with me by so many means, to say they share my doubts about the Government’s handling of Covid-19.
News: Spain Reports More Than Five Times as Many COVID-19 Deaths per Cap as US
It's been a couple of days since my post on deaths per 100,000 in the USA and several other countries.
I'm very much a cautious "measure twice, cut once" type of person, so I went back and updated some of my calculations using more recent numbers.
Specifically, I've updated the third graph in the original post which is the number of deaths per 100,000 at the same point in the timeline since at least 1 case per million population was reported.
News: Beware a Government of Fear
One of my Fox colleagues recently sent me an email attachment of a painting of the framers signing the Constitution of the United States. Except in this version, George Washington—who presided at the Constitutional Convention—looks at James Madison—who was the scrivener at the Convention—and says, “None of this counts if people get sick, right?”
In these days of state governors issuing daily decrees purporting to criminalize the exercise of our personal freedoms, the words put into Washington’s mouth are only mildly amusing. Had Washington actually asked such a question, Madison, of all people, would likely have responded: “No. This document protects our natural rights at all times and under all circumstances.”
News: Stealing Yet More of Your Money
"The United Nations Secretary-General, António Guterres, has announced the creation of a fund for addressing the global coronavirus pandemic – and he is simultaneously asking nations to contribute the equivalent of at least 10 percent of the annual income of the entire planet to a massive “human-centered, innovative and coordinated stimulus package” that would be administered at the international level."
News: Coronavirus Being Used to Scare You Away From Using Cash
Cash has been the target of the banking and financial elites for years. Now, the coronavirus pandemic is being used to frighten the masses into accepting a cashless society. That would mean the death of what’s left of our free society.
News: One More Appeal
In a shell of nuts: my fellow earthlings, you are being had, plain and simple. You are being had not just in the context of current events but in the entire context of bank/corp/govt. You are being had not just by the sitting party politwits of the day but by the entire concept of government itself.
News: Calm 'n Critical
If I never hear the terms 'social distancing' and 'self isolating' again I will daisy push a happy camper. This desire has nothing to do with wanting life back to normal, that ship has forever sailed, welcome to a whole new show, but rather the ease with which folks are normalizing these ideas and negatively judging, or worse, anyone who does not jump on this bandwagon. The phrases have been made trendy and fashionable, gross. It's also important to note that this type of embrace is only happening because the lights are still on and potable water is still running. Change either of those two dynamics . . .