A small collection of shorter running videos discussing the issues with our current monetary system. Unless otherwise marked, text that accompanies each video is copied from the description(s) posted with the source material. Please keep in mind as you are reviewing the material that while you may not agree with, or even like, the original source (David Icke being one example), the idea here is that in the case of the monetary system, they are all saying basically the same thing. Given that, there must be some credence to the idea that we have a really big problem that must be dealt with.
The Money Fix

THE MONEY FIX examines economic patterning in both the human and the natural worlds, and through this lens we learn how we can empower ourselves by redesigning the lifeblood of the economy at the community level. The film documents three types of alternative money systems, all of which help solve economic problems for the communities in which they operate. This video is a excellent starting place. It explains what money is and what it's not, how the system is broken and as a bonus, offers a view into 3 alternative possibilities to get the brain wheels rolling.