News archive

20 Jul 2018

CBD oil, which is increasingly being used to treat a variety of medical conditions, is a form of cannabis oil derived from marijuana or industrial hemp that contains significant amounts of cannabidiol, a molecule found in cannabis. Cannabinoids have a natural way of interacting with our bodies through receptors called endocannabinoids, which are present in all humans and animals. When introduced into the body, cannabinoids regulate cell growth, which in turn combats cancer, among other…

20 Jul 2018

President Trump’s warm words for Vladimir Putin and his failure to endorse U.S. intelligence community claims about alleged Russian meddling have been called “treasonous” and the cause of a “national security crisis.” There is a crisis, says Prof. Stephen F. Cohen, but one of our own making.

19 Jul 2018

Fears that cannabis causes irreparable harm to teenager’s brains have been stoked by trials which “overstated” the effects on intelligence and other functions, according to a review which found little ill-effect after three days abstinence.

Studies have shown it is 114 times less harmful than alcohol, but marijuana’s impact on adolescents’ brain development and mental health is a major concern for policy makers in debates over legalisation.…

17 Jul 2018

"If we're being honest, it's damn near impossible to stay focused when the internet is at our fingertips. There's always one more notification to read, one more deal to be had, one more like to chase.

While some experts have suspected that this kind of instant feedback and gratification might negatively affect young minds, a new study published Tuesday in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) suggests such connectivity comes at a worrisome cost by increasing ADHD symptoms in teens who use digital media at a high rate.

17 Jul 2018

The mass hysteria following Trump's meeting with Putin is likely to last for days. Most are outraged. Few see the light.

My article Congratulations to President Trump for an Excellent Summit with Putin spawned numerous some I could not tell if they were sarcastic or not.

For example, reader Brian stated " There is zero doubt now that Putin stole the election from Hillary. So much so that she MUST be given the nomination again in 2020. All potential challengers must step aside. To refuse her the 2020 nomination would be evidence of traitorous activities with…

16 Jul 2018

Unfortunately, study after study shows that meat as a protein source just isn’t that healthy. It’s far better to get that necessary protein from plants. And yes, that association is a correlation, not a causation. There are some legitimate reasons that plant-based protein sources like beans are a healthier alternative to bacon. The researchers aren’t saying you can’t or shouldn’t indulge in a thick Delmonico or a flame-grilled cheeseburger.

16 Jul 2018

Caitlin Johnstone has an excellent piece in Medium, complete with backing references, that brings some sanity to the gum flapping that is the Russian Election Meddling Boogieman.

This sanity comes in the form of the often left in the trunk concept of: Critical Thinking.

The article is a well rounded list of solid questions that MUST be answered, but she also makes a few points that warrant a specific shout out

09 Feb 2018

"What follows is a guide to what a conflict with North Korea might look like. War is inherently unpredictable: It’s possible Kim would use every type of weapon of mass destruction he possesses, and it’s possible he wouldn’t use any of them.

But many leading experts fear the worst. And if all of this sounds frightening, it should. A new war on the Korean Peninsula wouldn’t be as bad as you think. It would be much, much worse"…

10 Aug 2017

"Below the nation’s mostly mountainous surface are vast mineral reserves, including iron, gold, magnesite, zinc, copper, limestone, molybdenum, graphite, and more—all told about 200 kinds of minerals. Also present are large amounts of rare earth metals, which factories in nearby countries need to make smartphones and other high-tech products."

North Korea is sitting on trillions of dollars of untapped wealth

30 Jul 2017

Pretty shabby reporting Huffpost:

a) CDN$ is up only because USD$ has been dropping. Zero reflection on our economic activity.

b) The majority of Canada's current economic activity is debt fuelled and utterly unsustainable. Crash inevitable.

c) What was the result of the last dot com boom?

d) Silence doubters? 2 seconds with your favourite search engine will clearly show what a load of BS this statement is.

Article not worth the pixels its printed on . . .…

29 Jul 2017

"The rapid rise of solar power is one of the most astonishing transformations in the history of global energy use.

A decade ago, solar photovoltaics (PV) was just a tiny sapling, easily dismissed by fossil fuel advocates. Today, after a remarkable 30-fold increase in PV sales in just nine years, it has become a giant redwood forest."

Solar employs more U.S. workers than Apple, Google, and Facebook combined

06 Jul 2017

Let's see how this tweet matures.


05 Jul 2017

"Guess what? If you bring your phone with you everywhere, or engage with a whole-house robo helper such as Alexa or Echo or Siri or Google, you’re opening up every aspect of your life to government officials, snooping (possibly criminal) hackers, and advertisers targeting you, your spouse and your children.

05 Jul 2017

"Along the wild Pacific coast of British Columbia, there lives a population of the sea wolves. “We know from exhaustive DNA studies that these wolves are genetically distinct from their continental kin,” says McAllister. “They are behaviourally distinct, swimming from island to island and preying on sea animals. They are also morphologically distinct — they are smaller in size and physically different from their mainland counterparts,” says Ian McAllister, an award-winning photographer who has been studying these animals for almost two…

05 Jul 2017

Hmm, I wonder why they would return to the very area that our western media has told us they would be perscuted by the Assad regime?

"Even with the conflict in Syria still raging, thousands of the displaced are eagerly returning to their homes under the control of the Syrian government. This may seem strange, as the U.S. media has long suggested that most refugees were fleeing Assad, not foreign-backed terrorists like Daesh (ISIS) and Al-Nusra.

04 Jun 2017

"Negative interest rates and high inflation are a deadly combination that could further destabilize the already fragile union in the future. With less physical currency circulating, these trends ensure that the impact of any additional central bank policies will be maximized. If economic conditions deteriorate, the threat of citizens pulling cash out of their accounts and starting a bank run is eliminated in a cashless system. So long as the people’s wealth is under centralized control, funds can be shifted at will to conceal any underlying problems.

04 Jun 2017

Madam, kindly go jump in a lake (another phrase first came to mind but I'm trying to be polite). I would like to point out that while you perhaps slept through history class there are lots of us out here who were awake for at least some of it. One thing I do know: successful terrorism predates the Internet by, well, I'll phrase it so you can understand: lots and lots.

31 May 2017

"Though Block said he hadn’t heard of Element before Wednesday, the run on Home Capital Group’s deposits in recent weeks suggests that “investors denial is just starting to crack.” HCG is being drained of assets at an unprecedented pace – already 94% of retail deposits have fled the troubled lender - and the company has erased more than half of its market capitalization since a Canadian regulator accused it five weeks ago of misleading…

31 May 2017

Dear Bill Morneau, I see you are on the attendee list for the Bilderberg meetings this year. I wonder if you are aware that these meetings are in secret with no press coverage allowed. Many who try to provide coverage are harassed and jailed.

Not sure about the rest of Canada, however, personally, your meeting in an official capacity with other governmental, banking and corporate types, in secret, with no accountability is tantamount to treason. Funny how others who do this are labelled agitators & terrorists and you call yourselves esteemed politicians &…

03 Mar 2015

The world’s first grid-connected wave power station has been activated off the coast of Western Australia (WA). After more than a decade of testing and demonstrations, Australian company Carnegie Wave Energy has switched on a pilot project that has begun feeding wave-generated electricity into a local WA grid.
World’s first grid-connected wave power station switched on in Australia - ScienceAlert.

02 Mar 2015

"When anyone is in a position of power, public perception becomes either your foundation, or a tidal wave that will swallow you and your legacy whole. Which means, of course, that PR becomes an incredibly important tool to have in your arsenal. This is why all public figures have countless advisors and managers whose only job is to look after the images of their superior. They do not only reflect the powerful’s persona to the masses, after all; they create…

02 Mar 2015

"Dr. Lee Hieb, writing for, joins the growing ranks of doctors speaking out against forced vaccinations and the current hysteria in the mainstream media. Dr. Lee Hieb is an orthopaedic surgeon specializing in spinal surgery. She is past president of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons.…

08 Dec 2014

"In recent developments, it became clear that economic warfare is the main weapon used by the Transnational Elite, (TE- i.e. the network of the elites based mainly in the G7 countries which run the New World Order of neoliberal globalization), to subordinate Russia and integrate every other country still resisting the process, e.g. Iran and Venezuela. This includes not just the usual economic sanctions, or the blocking of new projects to facilitate distribution, like the South Stream project but, also, as the dramatic decline in the price of oil has shown in the last few months, the induced fall in its price.

08 Dec 2014

An alarming new study establishes that the commonly used chemical bisphenol A used in tens of thousands of consumer products, and its lesser known but increasingly prevalent analogs, bisphenol S and F, are several orders of magnitude more disruptive to the endocrine systems of the developing male human fetus than previous toxicological risk assessments were capable of determining.

08 Dec 2014

Urgent action is needed to minimise the risk of a nuclear war, more than 120 senior military, political and diplomatic figures from across the world have warned. Ahead of the Vienna Conference on the Humanitarian Impact of Nuclear Weapons, which starts today, the experts wrote in a letter that the danger of such a conflict was “underestimated or insufficiently understood” by world leaders. The signatories include people from across the political…

08 Dec 2014

"A former St. Louis Police officer revealed over the weekend that he discovered that many officers were “deeply racist” after joining the force.

In a column for The Washington Post, NAACP Ethic Project head Redditt Hudson explained that he joined the St. Louis Police Department in 1994 because he wanted to help his community, but he soon learned “just how racist and violent the police are.”"

Full Story

08 Dec 2014

La Puente, CA– Rosleen Banner is calling for justice after a Los Angeles County Sheriff’s deputy ignored her “beware of dogs” sign, entered her yard, pepper sprayed her pregnant dog Tata and executed her with three shots to the head. California Deputy Pepper Sprays Then Executes Pregnant Dog After Going to Wrong House | The Free Thought Project.

08 Dec 2014

Weapons bought from other countries can be paid for only with borrowed money, because the Government of Ukraine is basically broke and soaring even deeper into debt, and is sharply cutting back on pensions and other expenditures than military, which is receiving the Government’s virtually total focus. Any added loans will never be able to be paid back, because Ukraine will not be able to pay back all of the existing loans. Consequently, all countries that are now ‘lending’ additional funds to Ukraine are simply donating to Ukraine.

02 Dec 2014

"The largest study ever conducted on marijuana’s relevance to lung cancer has come up with some somewhat surprising results. The National Institutes of Health’s National Institute on Drug Abuse funded the University of California at Los Angeles study, which found that smoking marijuana does not cause lung cancer, and it doesn’t seem to matter how much or how often it is smoked." Addicting Info – Study Demonstrates Smoking Pot Doesn’t Cause Lung Cancer, No Matter The Frequency Or Amount.