News archive

12 Jul 2020

Hard to believe how far we've allowed ourselves to sink in such a short period of time. The Region of Waterloo *unanimously* approved mandatory mask wearing bylaws effective July 13th until at least Sept. 30th. To say this is a reckless decision and a blatant infringement on our rights as human beings is an understatement. Why? Oh, perhaps due to the fact that there is almost ZERO science proving masks effective in this situation but even further, there is ZERO data to back up this ridiculous decision; quite the opposite actually. Don't even get me started on the irony of the regional chair's first name . .

12 Jul 2020

In a recent article I briefly examined a number of advances that global planners made prior to the World Economic Forum’s announcement in June of a new initiative dubbed ‘The Great Reset‘. Taken together, the United Nation’s Agenda 2030, the Paris Climate Agreement, the Fourth Industrial Revolution and the Bank for International Settlement’s ‘Innovation BIS 2025‘ offer an insight into how elites want to turn the lives of every man, woman and child inside out over the course of the next…

12 Jul 2020

Groupthink is all around us. Decision-making in government, in the media and at work. It’s slowly killing the world.

In the background of the most important events, the Covid-19 response and increasing tension and conflict in the world, it might be worth looking through some of this in a bit more detail.

I’ve experienced groupthink working for large organisations, most notably in my last job. We were tasked with investigating and solving complex problems. Some technical expertise helped but was not crucial to the…

12 Jul 2020

An NBC medical expert who was brought on air nearly a dozen times to detail his struggle with COVID-19 never had the virus, he revealed this week.

After believing he had the coronavirus in spite of getting negative tests, virologist and NBC News science contributor Dr. Joseph Fair tweeted Tuesday that he had tested negative for the antibodies and that the illness that hospitalized him in May "remains an undiagnosed mystery." Steve Krakauer reported on the developments for his Fourth Watch…

08 Jul 2020

When this madness began, I behaved as if a new and fanatical religion was spreading among us. Be polite and tolerant, I thought. It may be crazy and damaging but in time it will go away.

Now it is clear that a new faith, based on fear of the invisible and quite immune to reason, has all but taken over the country. And it turns out to be one of those faiths that doesn't have much tolerance for those who don't share it.

My guess is that about 85 per cent of the population now worship it and will continue to do so.

08 Jul 2020

Finally, for now, there is the matter of individual choice and responsibility. Individuals can believe or not believe. There is always that option. People are not doomed to accept an oppressive narrative imposed on them. If that were the case, there would be no point to human thought or action. We would forever be victims. This is not the case. It never was. Some people are dedicated to the notion that there is no way out of the dungeon of external control.

05 Jul 2020

Examination of COVID-19 activity and why the data does not support mandatory masks not to mention the egregious human rights infringement.

03 Jul 2020

COVID Deaths in Canada: A Questionable Statistic

By: John C. A. Manley

Before Canadians surrender anymore of their freedoms to COVID-19 propaganda, can we stop and ask some critical questions?

COVID is unquestionably much worse than a bad flu season,” says Dr. Allison McGeer, an infectious disease specialist at Toronto’s Mount Sinai Hospital, in an interview with the CBC.

McGeer cites government statistics (as of June 17) showing

03 Jul 2020

Racism is not a verb, it does not describe action. Racism, discrimination, these are just words we use to describe internal and communicated human behaviour not a given part of nature, not something that was inherent to the planet prior to our arrival on it for example. There is little to no verifiable evidence that different groups of humans are 'wired' in such a way as to perceive other groups of humans as inferior or superior thereby making…

02 Jul 2020

It was always going to come to this … mobs of hysterical, hate-drunk brownshirts hunting down people not wearing masks and trying to get them fired from their jobs, “no mask, no service” signs outside stores, security staff stopping the mask-less from entering, paranoid pod people pointing and shrieking at the sight of mask-less shoppers in their midst, goon squads viciously attacking and arresting them …

Welcome to the Brave New Normal.…

02 Jul 2020

George Floyd’s death raises a variety of disturbing questions and issues. The facts surrounding his death are not altogether clear, but will presumably be clearer after further investigation and the trials of the four police. Some have taken his death as an indictment of, among other things, police tactics, police in general, public laws, government, and the status of racial groups within the US. They have the right to peaceably protest. However, their questions, accusations, and condemnations, well-founded or not, afford no justification for violence and the destruction of…

29 Jun 2020

For months, the Washington Post and the rest of the mainstream media kept a morbid Covid-19 “death count” on their front pages and at the top of their news broadcasts. The coronavirus outbreak was all about the number of dead. The narrative was intended to boost governors like Cuomo in New York and Whitmer in Michigan, who turned their states authoritarian under the false notion that destroying people’s jobs, freedom, and lives would somehow keep a virus from doing what viruses always do: spread through a population until eventually losing strength and dying…

28 Jun 2020

We are seeing jurisdictions everywhere imposing mask bans at a rate that approaches the number of bars being threatened with liquor license revocation for failing to enforce social distancing.  If that sentence seems complicated, then you are beginning to appreciate just how confusing all the arguments are about face coverings.  After all, we have N95s, surgical masks, homemade cloth masks (enjoy the video), and the classic train robber bandana.  Just…

28 Jun 2020

Finally, the reasons and possible motives remain speculative, and many involved surely act in good faith; but the science is clear: The numbers generated by these RT-PCR tests do not in the least justify frightening people who have been tested “positive” and imposing lockdown measures that plunge countless people into poverty and despair or even drive them to suicide.

And a “positive” result may have serious consequences for the patients as well, because then all non-viral factors are excluded from the diagnosis and the patients are treated with highly toxic drugs and invasive intubations.

22 Jun 2020

We should oppose all sly moves to ban cash transactions in favor of the universal use of credit cards on the flimsy excuse that handling cash may spread the coronavirus. Don’t let our cash money become the biggest COVID casualty. Swapping paper money for a monopoly of electronic money is a bad deal.

And we should always be free to save our cash and protect the value of our savings by investing in real assets or sound money like gold and silver. No tin-pot dictator, when he fled, took his own currency.

22 Jun 2020

During the coronavirus hoax and the George Floyd riots, most people kept their comments and criticisms to private conversations and internet postings. They didn’t respond to forced lockdowns or violence in the streets with violence of their own, although many of them have the ability and capacity to do so. Their restraint has been the primary force keeping whatever remains of the peace in this country.…

22 Jun 2020

A virus is not a miasma, a cootie, or red goo like in the children’s book Cat in the Hat. There is no path toward waging much less winning a national war against a virus. It cares nothing about borders, executive orders, and titles. A virus is a thing to battle one immune system at a time, and our bodies have evolved to be suited to do just that. Vaccines can give advantage to the immune system through a clever hack. Even so, there will always be another virus and another battle, and so it’s been for hundreds of thousands of years.

21 Jun 2020

In my last article, I reviewed the case of Gough Whitlam’s firing at the hands of the Queen’s Governor General Sir John Kerr during a dark day in November 1975 which mis-shaped the next 45 years of Australian history. Today I would like to tackle another chapter of the story.
I used to believe as many do, in a story called “the American Empire”. Over the last decade of research, that belief has changed a bit. The more I looked at the top down levers of world influence shaping past and present events that altered history, the hand of British Intelligence just kept slapping me squarely in the face at nearly every…

21 Jun 2020

In the name of emotional well-being, college students are increasingly demanding protection from words and ideas they don’t like. Here’s why that’s disastrous for education—and mental health.

20 Jun 2020

Mainstream media have recycled so many lies about COVID19 that by now every respectable editor with enough sense to come in out of the rain knows perfectly well what he or she is supposed to make the rest of us believe. And heaven help the dissenters!

18 Jun 2020

Libertarianism only requires societal agreement on one thing: liberty for all. Any other system requires agreements among many, both people and problems: difficult at best, or agreement among none, totalitarianism: worst. These systems end up failing at one point or another, sometimes spawning progress, maturity and forward motion for the population or repeating themselves over and over in a kind of groundhog day manner, a reset each time, dictator after dictator, democracy after democracy down through the ages.

16 Jun 2020

Just a week or so ago the mainstream media and thousands representing the “medical community” told us we must throw out the “stay-at-home” orders and go to the streets to protest the death of George Floyd at the hands of the police. The Covid-19 virus will not bother people who are protesting this injustice, they said. The virus only attacks people leaving their homes to protest the stay-at-home orders.…

16 Jun 2020

Building a society is hard. Though people have a tendency to naturally adapt to forms of social order, these systems usually function best as small tribes, not massive collectives. Even when everyone agrees on particular goals, such as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, they still often have conflicts over how to achieve those goals. Small groups have better chances, small voluntary groups are even more successful, as long as they follow a certain set of guidelines. Tribalism is the natural state of mankind, yet these days it's treated like a taboo concept, especially by the political…

16 Jun 2020

The best thing you can do from here on out is use your time and energy as productively as possible. We’re going to need builders, creators and inventors more than ever before, because we’re past the point of putting this thing back together. We’ll need to recreate, reimagine and rebuild, and all of this must spring from a point of consciousness in order to bring forth something that is both better and sustainable. Become more beautiful and resilient as others become ugly and unhinged. Focus on what’s within your capacity to control and always remember to resist the…

15 Jun 2020

Social distancing is an unsustainable fantasy. We must get real, making sure to balance the risks along with ensuring quality of life

Social distancing is a fantasy. There, I’ve said it, and now you’ve heard it, you can’t unhear it. Let’s stop pretending that this is going to work. It isn’t. Let go of the comfort blanket because like it or not, every individual citizen is going to have make their own risk assessments, use their common sense and make their own decisions about how to live their lives. “Stay away from everyone” is a clear message but not credible. “Stay alert” will just have to…

15 Jun 2020

The mainstream media, just like clockwork, have begun anew the building of fear and hysteria with their collective proclamations of: Spike in cases! Humans, or at least the current generations inhabiting Ye Ole Earth at the moment, have (developed) short attention spans. The reasons and motives are for another tale. The riot/protest narrative was losing front page steam but did make a nice segue (back) into Spike in cases!. The average Joe/Josephine…

13 Jun 2020

"Speed kills, Del" ~ Dr. Johnny Fever

Over the course of the last few decades, perhaps a wee bit more, human life here on planet earth has steadily been putting the peddle to the metal, an acceleration which did not abate any after the turning of the 21st century, the opposite actually. Individually we are rush, race, go here, be there, microwave this, fast food that. As a society, our consumption and expansion has continued, increased. In neither case…

13 Jun 2020

In recent days a series of leaks across the globe have further shown the “official line” on coronavirus does not hold water

The science of the coronavirus is not disputed. It is well documented and openly admitted:

Most people won’t get the virus.
Most of the people who get it won’t display symptoms.
Most of the people who display symptoms will only be mildly sick.
Most of the people with severe symptoms will never be critically ill.
And most of the people who get critically ill will survive.

13 Jun 2020

Dr. Fauci and the Scarf Lady are not the only Virus Patrol miscreants spreading the Covid Hysteria and thereby empowering the authorities to keep suffocating everyday economic life and personal liberty in America.

29 Apr 2020

The destiny of the world is now in the hands of 6 central banks, Fed, ECB, BoE (England), PBOC (China), BoJ (Japan), SNB (Swiss). This in itself bodes extremely badly for the global financial system. This is like putting the villains in charge of the judicial system. For decades these central banks have totally abused their power and taken control of the world monetary system for the benefit of their banker friends and in some cases their private shareholders.