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Your search for “"critical thinking"” gave approximately 2 results:

News: That US/Russian thing

Caitlin Johnstone has an excellent piece in Medium, complete with backing references, that brings some sanity to the gum flapping that is the Russian Election Meddling Boogieman.

This sanity comes in the form of the often left in the trunk concept of: Critical Thinking.

The article is a well rounded list of solid questions that MUST be answered, but she also makes a few points that warrant a specific shout out

News: Calm 'n Critical

If I never hear the terms 'social distancing' and 'self isolating' again I will daisy push a happy camper. This desire has nothing to do with wanting life back to normal, that ship has forever sailed, welcome to a whole new show, but rather the ease with which folks are normalizing these ideas and negatively judging, or worse, anyone who does not jump on this bandwagon. The phrases have been made trendy and fashionable, gross. It's also important to note that this type of embrace is only happening because the lights are still on and potable water is still running. Change either of those two dynamics . . .

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