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Your search for “"economics"” gave approximately 4 results:

News: 'Banks rob us!' Canadian girl becomes Internet sensation after exposing banksters

From 2012 but the issues persist. In the context of societal change, monetary system reform is a must as no other changes in any other areas of our society will have any real effect with the status quo in place.

"Economists around the world are struggling to break free of the clutches of the financial crisis. But a twelve-year-old Canadian knows what needs to be done. Victoria Grant took the Internet by storm overnight, after a video of her slamming Canada's banks for robbing the people went viral. RT talks to internet sensation Victoria Grant and her mother Marcia Grant."

News: Don't Believe The Hype

For the first time in a long time, the pace of our existence has changed. Many of the circumstances surrounding our recent collective experience are new; very few folks are still with us who would have had even conceptually similar experiences, most have passed on. Further, due to advancements in technology, similar past experiences are not really possible anymore; digital data and information delivery changed the old playing field completely and there is no going back.

News: Why Bailout Money is a Bad Thing

What humanity needs to do, but hasn't as of yet, is learn to strike a balance between these two axioms. If done right, we can get pretty close to having our collective cake and eating it too, complete with money hidden in it like days of old. While working hard to ensure the development of a set of products and services that allow those (this would include charitable organizations as well for example) who wish to embark upon the nurturing of those not able to do so for themselves while not forcing others to if they so choose, we must also stop being responsible for the failure and/or lack of foresight of others. Doing this turns entire societies into dependants on some thing or individual, often government which is just the way that crowd loves things, while in turn forfeiting liberty. This dependency also makes us 'soft', that is, ill-equipped to deal with our personal problems, societal problems and environment, all of which can be changing and hostile at any time.

News: Coronavirus Being Used to Scare You Away From Using Cash

Cash has been the target of the banking and financial elites for years. Now, the coronavirus pandemic is being used to frighten the masses into accepting a cashless society. That would mean the death of what’s left of our free society.

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